Tuesday, December 6, 2011

There is a reason for everything; such is the purpose of this blog.  This world is full of lies, John 8:42-47.  Just as drugs are a short cut for relief, so are lies to gain and maintain power over people.  Religion, government, business, institutions and nearly anyone with “authority” attached to them are all guilty.  A general was once quoted, “The government has to lie in order to protect itself.”  How different the world would be in just keeping the single commandment of not bearing false witness?  For that matter, pick anyone of the last 6 commandments.

A time is coming very soon that a false religion will arise and become so powerful a movement, it will make the watch for terrorists pale by comparison, Matthew 24:4-5, 10:34-37.  Yes, it will be difficult to have a holy convocation when YHWH’s holy days come up and those that continue to keep those days and worshipping YHWH in spirit and in truth will be forced underground.  For the most part, those with the Holy Spirit of YHWH and continue to maintain that spirit, can survive spiritually without a church, or minister.  For those that may scoff at such a thought, the writer of this blog has survived without a church or a minister since 2003.  This author not only escaped the parent church, but also stayed away from all the splinter groups, lest they pollute him.  No one is going into YHWH’s Kingdom on the coattails of any church or group, I Corinthians 3:8, 13-15, 4:5, Galatians 6:5-10.

Interestingly enough is the “Bill of Rights”, which subscribes to self-responsibility, as should our health care, for which this author has done for the past 35 years, by staying away from the profiteering of Western Medicine, for which cancer is their biggest moneymaker and therefore will never be a mainstream cure.  Why kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?  Type this in your browser; “cancer is a fungus”.  How about a cure, for which there are a number of them and a few doctors that treat cancers without the poisonous concoctions of Big Pharma.  Here is one cure I had found that could be done at home, which is a mixture of baking soda and maple syrup, for which the process can be found on www.rexresearch.com.  It is a known fact that no cancer can survive in an alkaline environment.  How many readers of this blog know that 70 percent of doctors surveyed would not use chemotherapy if they had cancer?  A nurse told me that the chemistry of chemotherapy is the equivalent of Drano.  With all the mainstream research, technology, so called health care and knowledge, there is a vast increase of cancers throughout the world.  Why? It can be summed up with one word, “greed” and the United Nations agenda 21.  There are other peripheral reasons, such as diet and stress, but I am not going there, at least not in this introduction.  It should be no surprise, because the mainstream media is not going to tell you, because they are told what news can be revealed to the public.  The only things the “Powers That Be” want you to know is what the so-called “authorities” tell you.  Commercial law empowers all so-called “authorities”. Ever since I could remember, I have been a truth seeker, which should be of no surprise that I found the World Wide Church of God back in 1979.

1979 was the same year I discovered the truth about the Instant Rip-off Service.  It was 1995 that I left the World Wide Church of God.  And in that same year I began my study of law outside the classroom.  The study of law inside the classroom is all about commercial law and we, the public, are commercial chattel.  What, you thought the prospective attorney was studying the Constitution, the Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights, etc.?  Not!  Their studies are mainly contract law, for which we all are under contract law when we signed our driver’s license, marriage license, etc.  Therefore our courts are courts of enforcing contracts or commercial courts, which can be simply described as “cash machines”.  Name me one court you have ever patronized and not had to put out some cash, with the exception of a dismissal.  Those that are aiming to work for the government study constitutional law.  A portion of all collected fines goes to the judge’s retirement fund.  Does anyone know a poor judge?  This is only the tip of the fraudulent iceberg. 

My studies of law have gone beyond 16 years, which is a long time to finally discover that we are all part of a matrix.  Yes, I said matrix, as in “The Matrix”.  Type this into your browser, “The Matrix and the U.S. Constitution”.  It is a summary of what I have studied all these years.  It was not written by this author, but by an anonymous Federal Judge of 12 years.  This document shows how we can defend ourselves from the fraud and greed of the “Powers That Be”.  Who are the “Powers That Be”?  They are the Illuminati, also known in some circles as “The Banksters”, as in gangsters.  There are 13 original bloodlines to the Illuminati that go back centuries; The Rothschilds, The Bilderbergs and the Bush family, to name a few.  Did I say “The Bush family”?  Yes, daddy Bush was the head of the CIA, President of United States and declared publicly in 1991, “A New World Order”, which is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati.  These people can afford to come out of the closet, because their power is such that no one or group can change what they have established, by fear, intimidation and murder.  Hmm…kind of reminds us of the Instant Rip-off Service, ‘better government through fear and intimidation’.

 His son G.W. Bush became President by a court order, but we suppose that it was by the “vote”.  He is a card-carrying member of a secret society known as the “Skull and Bones”, which is a repository for the Illuminati, as are the Masonic Lodges.  All fortune 1000 companies are headed by groomed Masons, for which some are unaware of their benefactors, but tow the line nevertheless.  It was junior that allowed the terrorists to take out the World Trade Center.  The reason; to put us deeper into a police state, which this author knew was going to happen, when I witnessed the second plane hitting the South Tower, which came true 45 days later after 9-11.  My studies of law, history, politics and the Bible helped me in reaching this accurate conclusion. 

History does repeat itself, but not by coincidence, or by ignorance.  The repeating of history comes from a deliberate set of events, caused by the Illuminati.  This is similar to how a recreation took place in 6 days, instead of perhaps millions, if not billions of years the first time creation took place.  Once the experiment is done for the first time, any succeeding experiments are a snap, providing the exact same steps are taken.  A wonderful example is the Star Trek episode, “Day of the Dove”.  When watching that episode, put “NWO” on the entity.  By the way, in my opinion, Captain Kirk is the gold standard for all star ship commanders.

In many cases, when I have met with someone for the first time, I am asked, what college did you graduate from?  I never graduated from any college, nor aspired to doing so.  Consider this; what college or university did Hero, Michelangelo, Plato, Voltaire, or Steven Jobs graduate from?  College is similar to religion in the following regard; most need it and for a comparable few, it is not required.  Getting a college education may open some doors, but sometimes there are a few of us that break down the doors and end up changing the world; a sheepskin notwithstanding.  This author never considered himself a genius, but others do, only because I had a rudimentary way of solving problems.

I believe the definition of a genius is a pragmatic problem solver with a total disregard for laws, taboos, politics, regulations, culture, or the lack of anything.  Most of us were brought up in a high tech society, or age, which promulgates the need for high tech answers.  This is partly the reason why the poor will always be poor.  High technology usually comes with a high price.  It is also a two-edged sword; cutting in both directions.  On the one hand it makes life easier and things more accessible.  On the other hand, it is far easier for unscrupulous people to make life more complicated.  This reminds me of a banking advertisement, with the singing phrase; “You are going to make it after all.”  This is absolutely true, if one constantly spends increasingly more money to protect one’s self.  More laws might be the answer, but if that were true, wouldn’t the 6 million laws we presently have be sufficient by now?  Thomas Jefferson said, “The more laws the less justice.”

Most commercial laws have loopholes, specifically designed by the writers of these laws to provide an “escape clause” for the protection of the elites.  In other words, certain breakers of these laws are not going to jail.  I am quite sure these people are Masons.  They have a specific signal they use in a courtroom that the judge (most likely a Mason as well) recognizes and releases the person, with the exception of murder.  During the Nuremberg Trials, there were a few that escape prosecution because of who they were.  One of which was Bayer.  Yes, that Bayer as in aspirin.  He was responsible for the experimental drugs used on the Jews.  Now all the drug experiments are legal, commercialized and prolifically advertised for “relief” and never a cure.  There is an axiom that applies here, “If it needs to be advertised, you probably do not need it.”  Years down the road, lawsuits are brought about because of the atrocities caused by those drugs.  The millions that are being awarded to the damaged parties are nothing compared to the billions made by the drug companies, also known as “Big Pharma”.  Many of those that serve on the FDA are former executives of Big Pharma, so who do you think they are going to side with?  Follow the money.   

The wrong kind of stress is causing more health problems and this is a product of our high tech world, with all its complexities.  We tell our children to stay away from drugs, but what do we as adults do?  We take drugs to cope with our circumstances and with the same breath, so-called “authorities” are putting drugs into our children, in the guise of helping them do better in school.  What a bunch of nonsense.  We baby-boomers never had to take drugs to get through school.  If we received a bad grade, we worked harder to improve.  It was all a matter of applying ourselves.  I believe that diet is the main reason for many of the problems of our children.  I am privileged to know a prominent doctor that happened to be my pediatrician and allergy specialist.  It was in the early 70’s he was doing research on mental patients, for which he discovered that at least 40 percent of them were suffering mental problems from allergic reactions.  Now with genetically modified foods, we are suffering from more allergies than ever before.  For this author it had taken about one year of going completely organic and all my allergies have disappeared.  Big Pharma wants your money and the government, more specifically the FDA agrees with them.  Why?  Because many of those that serve in the FDA are former executives of Big Pharma.  The world is full of thieves and all governments are the biggest thieves of all!  Consider this bumper sticker; “Stop stealing, the government hates the competition.”  The more regulations (commercial law) the bigger the government, which consequently reduces most of us to poverty and dependence upon that same government.  Big government is the result of liberalism that started with FDR, crept into our colleges, institutions and into our government.  FDR started the ball rolling for the growth of government, by instituting government programs to take us out of the Great Depression.  The Great Depression’s start began with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  Prior to this act were two panics created by the “Powers That Be”, to get the United States to adopt a national or central banking system. 

The Federal Reserve is “Federal” in name only.  The government does not own the Federal Reserve, or even control it.  It is a private loan institution, which makes loans to both the Federal Government and our local banks.  Since the Federal Government demands loans from the Federal Reserve, thereby creating debt; the United States not only owes the Federal Reserve the principle, but also the interest.  All the Federal Reserve requires is payment of the interest on the loans.  Whenever money is borrowed from the Federal Reserve, a debt is created, for which requires the Mint to print money or notes to cover the debt.  Therefore all Federal Reserve ‘Notes’ are debt instruments and the printing of these debt instruments reinstates the debt(s) created.  In other words, all Federal Reserve Notes are borrowed into existence, which when printed dilutes all Federal Reserve Notes and creates ‘printing press inflation’.  This is why it costs more and more with every passing year.  The more money in circulation, the more it is going to cost to make purchases.  Germany found this out the hard way back in the 1930’s.  When the old money collapsed because of a fiat money system, new money had to be created, but backed with gold.  After the American confiscation of gold in 1933, FDR was ordered by the “Powers That Be” to ship tons of gold to Germany.  This was the fuel to run Hitler’s military industrial complex.  FDR was a Mason.  He died in office, but not from natural causes.  He died from a bullet wound to the head.  Re: “The Matrix and the U.S. Constitution”.  The Banksters had to kill him because he knew too much.  So it was the same with Alexander Hamilton and was assassinated by a duel.

In 1939, when the gold was running out, Hitler decided to invade Poland to confiscate their gold, to keep the military machine oiled.  This invasion was not a tactical military decision, but an economic one.  Poland was merely a ‘pawn in the game’ for the New World Order, which was not Hitler’s new world order.  Hitler was also a ‘pawn in the game’.  He was a willing high stakes player, but this was unknown to him.  WWII was to finish what WWI did not.  The ultimate goal of WWI was to remove the crowned heads of Europe, by replacing them with both or either a democratic or communistic government(s).  It is far easier to corrupt a democracy or communism, than just one stubborn monarch. 

This was just one small part of the New World Order’s agenda.  Their main agenda is control over the money.  When governments decide to go to war, it takes a great deal of money, which has to be borrowed.  When it comes time to pay the debt, it is passed on to the general population in the form of taxes.  The United States is still paying the interest for WWI!

This author is not here to solve the world’s problems, but only to preserve the truth as to the causes of our current ills.  If we are to die, at the very least we will understand why.  And die we will!  The U.N. Agenda 21 is to depopulate the planet by at least half!  The increase of cancer, diabetes, the flu scares, plausibility of biotech scares via terrorism, Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Foods, which prompts a government sponsored health care system that will ration all medicine, for which we are suffering and promulgates a desire for a “quick fix”, via Big Pharma, which is backed up by the FDA to further poison us; not to mention making us infertile to stop us from increasing the population.  Roe vs. Wade was a genocide decision, not a health or political decision, which consequently murdered a potential 40 million Americans. Imagine 40 million murders, all without firing a shot.  Stalin, Hitler and Mao, eat your hearts out!

The creation of AIDS, yes I said creation, by the “Powers That Be”, was a step towards depopulation.  AIDS did not come from Green Monkeys that the so-called “authorities” and the New World Order want you to believe.  If AIDS did come from Green Monkeys, why did it happen so late after their discovery?  All sexually transmitted diseases come from animals, with the exception of AIDS.  No organic sexually transmitted disease ever originated from any human being at anytime.  Did bestiality with Green Monkeys just begin to occur in 1974?  In order to find the truth to any matter, always go back to its origin!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Once Upon A Religion, is the title I have chosen for my blog, which is my first blog, but not unfamiliar with writing since 2002, with comments on news items, etc.  Since this is my first blog, I would appreciate any constructive criticism on the mechanics of the blog, but with circumspect on the content.  All my blogs are qualified by my research and studies of the so-called “Christian” religion for 30 years; my study of law for the past 17 years, history, health, nutrition and various technical subjects throughout my lifetime.

I am single, 58, never married and consequently no children, but not gay.  There is a definite reason for my status, but it was not a matter of choice, which will be explained during the course of my blogs, as you get to know who I am, what I stand for and what I will not stand for.  I am a semi-retired, unlicensed builder/handyman and will fully retire as an organic grower this coming spring.

I have considered writing a book, but since things are changing so quickly and would be troublesome to updating, I opted to blog instead.  There is no money in this, but my message(s) are more important than money can buy.  I am quite sure that during the course of this blog, many of you will no doubt label me as a conservative, Christian right, etc.  I find such labels repugnant and prejudicial.  There is such a thing as black and white and will not back down when it comes to demonstrable facts.  This presupposes that in order to comment and/or rebuff my blogs, be prepared to back it up with absolutes and leaving out all political correctness.  Political correctness is specifically designed to soften or whitewash what is absolutely wrong, or wrongful behavior, not to mention cowardice.  In other words, you cannot make ice cream from shit.  I do not want to hear about the so-called accomplishments of certain personalities, especially from our inept leadership.  They are all a bunch of cowards, with few exceptions, whom I will prove from time to time, but these people exist as cowards because there is someone looking over their shoulders and can be taken down, if the “Powers That Be” feel is necessary, in order to maintain their agenda, which has been in force for centuries.  This also presupposes that this group is responsible for making some of our history, which is responsible for the slaughter of millions over the past perhaps 20 centuries.  History does repeat itself, but not out of ignorance.  It is a deliberate set of created events, to bring about a desired result of the “Powers That Be”, for which no one is immune, simply because they will even kill their own without regret.  This is exactly how the unscrupulous cockroaches survive.  

We have what we have because of all the lies and deceitfulness of Satan the Devil, John 8:42-47.  Oh yes, there is a lot of truth out there, but one must seek it out as I have especially over the past 20 years.  This is why I decided to study law, which has opened the door to truth that would appall the average person.  As Jack Nicholson said in the movie, “A Few Good Men”, “…you can’t handle the truth…” I can handle the truth because I am not afraid of it.  Fear is a mind killer.  Many people would rather hear (not purposely) lies and deception, as not to be bothered with things that take away from their entertainment(s); allowing themselves to be lulled to sleep and eventually going to the slaughter as sheep.  This is why your network news is rife with sex and lies, no matter which the so-called “authority” is.  One of my favorite songs is “Dirty Laundry”, by the Eagles. 

When I know something is true, I will simply say it.  But if it is an opinion, I will pretext it as such.  There are some of you out there that are so steeped in their beliefs, especially if college educated, believes nearly everything their professors have told them, even if they are lies.  Consider this, Acts 17:11.  Always consider the source and scour origins.  Throughout life, most of us occasionally stubble onto the truth, but what do we do with that truth?  There are cures for all types of cancer, but who is going to kill the goose that lays the trillion dollars a year eggs?  Yes, one is as simple as baking soda and maple syrup, but the FDA (Fuck’n Dumb Assholes) would never allow such a thing, or even admit to it.  It is a proven fact that all cancers cannot survive in an alkaline environment.  You want to be cancer free?  Keep your body to a pH as close to a “7” as possible.  Let us not forget the apple juice incident, for which the FDA dropped their pants and showed their Asses.  The one thing they did not tell you was the source of the arsenic.  There is organic arsenic in potatoes as well as apples, but the non-organic arsenic comes from the seeds, which is an “oops” in their processing, because it is too much trouble to remove the seeds.  The other problem is the commercial apple juice is “clear”, which is a marketing decision and not a nutritional one.

I have taken full responsibility for my health care 35 years ago and stayed away from Western Medicine as much as possible.  Infections?  I had 9 different infections over the past 14 years and cured all of them in as little as 2 days with two items from the grocery store.  Antibiotics do the job, but only too well.  They kill both the bad and good bacteria.  You then need to put back the good bacteria as well as electrolytes into your gut.  Ever since I have gone completely organic, for about one year, I no longer suffer from any allergies.  Allergies are on the rise because of Monsanto.  Monsanto is also responsible for at least 10,000 suicides in India, of farmers that could not afford the chemicals needed to back up the engineered seeds.  Monsanto is also on the verge of monopolizing the food industry, along with ADM.  If you want a weaken immune system and allergies, do absolutely nothing.  It will not be long before we will have the same law(s) as Canada to outlaw a backyard garden.  What, you did not hear about that?  I guess the producers of the news agencies did not think it important enough, for you to be so informed.  Here is a news item very few have heard about, in the early 90’s when GM seeds needed to be tested.  A plot of GM corn was planted in Mexico.  A swarm of migrating Monarch Butterflies landed on the corn and they all died.  Does this not ring a tune that this is the very reason for the bee depopulation?  I brought this up to an entomologist and had no comment.  There was an article some years ago in “Time Magazine”, which also kept silent on this possibility.  One reason why we are not doing anything about these atrocities is because of the fluoride in our water.  Raise your hands if you that knew about the Nazis purposely putting fluoride in the water, to keep the general population docile?  The decision of putting fluoride in the drinking water has nothing to do with preventing dental carries, but everything to do with keeping the general population from raising hell about what is going on behind the scenes.  Back in the early 70’s a dentist offered a one-hundred thousand dollar award to anyone that could prove the benefits of adding fluoride to the drinking water… no takers!